Well, it has been quite a while.....I have lots of blog post ideas but no time to write them! I have been busy finishing up my master's program at school and I am almost finished with my clinical hours. Soon I will be taking a couple big tests and looking for a job as an NP! The end is in sight!
I took the day off on Easter and the wife and I decided to take the doggles to the beach. It was a beautiful and clear day. Elka is now 10 months old and she is so smart and sweet. At one point she got distracted and lost where we were standing (we were watching her and saw she lost us) and we waited to see what she would do. This little smarty pants went over to where we had set our bag and sat her butt down to keep looking! So smart! She kept looking around from that spot and we called her name and she came right over.
Here are the goods:
Nala left: Elka right |
Kain front: Elka back |
Bear and her frisbee |
Close up of the Bean |
Kain getting in the water! |
Nala swimming, Elka running |
Two Germans |
Nala Bear |
Happy Easter!