We had planned to add another young German Shepard to our brood of animals which consisted of 2 dogs (Nala and Kain) and 2 cats (Punky and Deedle Deet) for a while. We were casually browsing rescue sites and looking for a German Shepard that would catch our eye and fit into our family. We saw a few here and there that looked interesting, but none of them really stood out. Noell (the wife), received a text from a friend of ours about a police officer she knows whose dog had an accidental litter of puppies before getting spayed, and did we want to adopt a puppy or adopt the mama-pup? We agreed to meet the German family with the intent of adopting the mama (who was only one year old).
The owner brought Mama German and her 4 puppies that were available, over to meet our animals. Mama German didn't really jive with Nala Bear (our female german), plus she also chased our cats. :/ No deal on Mama German.
Of course the puppies were very sweet and Noell liked one in particular who followed Nala around like a teeny shadow. After some discussion, we decided adopt one of the puppies. Honestly, I couldn't tell them apart that day, but Noell knew exactly which one was ours. We found out that the puppies had been born on 6/2/12, which was a super awesome to find out because that is the day that Noell and I were married!
We adopted Elka June on 7/26/12. Elka was a name that we had seen on one of the rescue sites and remembered, plus as a bonus it sounds like a german name. Her middle name is June in honor of her birthday month and extra meaning of her birthday being our wedding day.
Meet Elka, this was her first day with us.

About to get a bath!
She has grown like a weed ever since that day. She was house trained really quickly...I'm talking 3-4 days! This girl is smart!

Ears are still floppy.

Let's play!

Ears are up! 8/26/12
She fits in really well with our family. Kain took a little time to warm up, but he has come around. Nala and Kain are happy to have a new play mate. They both are really helpful in occupying her when we are trying to get things done!

We are buddies.

Waiting for me to give the "go ahead" to eat their dinner which is on the floor in front of them.
Elka is growing so fast, she was 33 pounds on 10/3/12 and today, 10/6/12, she went back for a rabies shot and she was 35 pounds...that's 2 pounds in 3 days folks!
We love our new girl so much!